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How to Choose the Right Contents Restoration Company: For Homeowners and Business Owners

The time immediately following a disaster can be very unsettling and confusing. It may be clear that you need someone to help you navigate this process, but who should be your first call? 

After calling a contractor such as a plumber or mitigation company to address the imminent threat to your structure, engaging a contents restoration company is one of the essential next steps to get your structure on the path to restoration. 

What To Do After the Initial Threat is Mitigated

After experiencing a fire, flooding, or storm damage, the first call should be to a contractor who can help address the immediate danger, such as a plumber to fix a leak, a mitigation company to remove standing water, or the fire department to put out a fire. After this phase, there is still a lot of work to do.

The restoration contractors who will start to repair and restore your structure will need as little physical interference as possible to do their job effectively. At this stage, contacting a contents restoration company is essential to remove all the items from the affected area. 

When choosing your contents restoration company, it’s crucial to consider their involvement in each stage of the content restoration process. 

The Contents Restoration Process

  1. Pack Out: Some contents restoration companies will only remove the items from the home or building they believe can be restored. In this situation, homeowners or business owners may be left to sift through the remaining items and find storage for what they want to keep. This adds extra stress to the homeowner and can delay the restoration process. For this reason, it is vital to engage a restoration company that packs out all objects to expedite the restoration process and prevent further damage. 
  1. Evaluation & Inventory: Every good contents restoration company should have a comprehensive categorization process. Without one, items can easily be lost. An online inventory system is necessary so customers can have peace of mind by tracking their items. 
  1. Transport: After the items are packed up and removed, they will be transported to a facility. The contents restoration company must have a climate-controlled storage facility to prevent any further damage to the content. Additionally, ensure the company has the infrastructure to store the items properly. An overpacked warehouse can result in content being lost or damaged.
  1. Restoration: The restoration process will begin after the content returns to the warehouse. The contents restoration company will use various cleaning and deodorizing techniques to restore the item to its former glory. However, understand whether the restoration company ships your items to a different facility to perform the restoration. In this case, there is an increased risk of lost or damaged items, so choose a business that completes all their restoration work in-house when possible.
  1. Pack Back: Once the items are restored, it is time to return them to the insured. Contents restoration companies will coordinate with the customer to handle this transfer. 

The Importance of Choosing the Right Contents Restoration Company

The contents restoration company you choose can greatly impact how quickly restoration begins and how well your belongings are restored. It is essential to consider each stage of the restoration process when determining what packout and contents restoration company to engage. With the right team, you can get back on your feet faster.

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