Our 30,000-square-foot warehouse is furnished with high-quality cleaning products and features designated drying chambers, decontamination chambers, and military-grade ultrasonic machines. Our procedures model the IICRC guidelines and are tailored to meet the specific needs of each unique loss event.
What Are Hard Contents?
Hard contents encompass solid and non-porous items, including materials like metal, glass, wood, and plastic. The restoration of hard contents demands skilled technicians who can address the damage without compromising the item’s structural integrity.

Core Restores: Contents Restoration Process
Pack Out
Our rapid response unit is prepared to dispatch to your location within 24 hours to handle all content packing by our IICRC Certified Contents Processing Technicians.
Evaluation & Inventory Process
Our team consists of IICRC Certified Contents Processing Technicians who are fully equipped to assess and catalog all personal property impacted by the loss. This allows us to create an electronic inventory using our cutting-edge software.
All items are transported to one of our climate-controlled facilities for secure storage.
The restoration process occurs within our warehouse, where advanced cleaning methods are employed.
Pack Back
The final delivery will involve unwrapping larger individual items and arranging the boxes in their respective locations from which they were initially removed.